I hope this finds everyone safe and sound. These are difficult times, but they are not hopeless times. Just like you, I have had friends, family and clients who have gone through COVID-19 scares. Thankfully no one I know has died.
My heart goes out to those who have experienced dealing with death during this time - whether from the frontlines or with your own household.
My mom was in the ICU for 3 days (she is okay now) and my dad had an ER visit and came home with a nebulizer. It's been scary. Many of the practitioners I work with have shared they've experienced COVID symptoms but were unable to get tested. Some have ended up in the hospital, or diagnosed by their primary care doctor, with pneumonia.
In my consulting practice, clients have had pneumonia symptoms and urgent care diagnoses since late November and I wonder how many of those may have been this virus? I have no idea when we will know the truth but I do...
Where has the time gone? I mean, it seems like it was just yesterday I was enjoying beautiful summer weather and now it's Thanksgiving! I know, if you are like me, the days are full and that is a blessing. For some, you may feel like you never get around to really committing to health. This newsletter is for you. I have a few updates that may help you.
Last month I did my first ever booth for the Cornelius Chamber of Commerce Business Expo. We raffled off a beautiful basket filled with health goodies and I did free tongue screenings (much to the surprise of those passing by. Yes, I'm that lady - the one who looks at your tongue to see how healthy you are). LOL
My new practice is slowly building up local support. I appreciate technology and the ability to keep and support my clients around the US. Are you having as much fun during a tele-session as I am???
1) Making your initial or follow-up consultations...
I am so loving the weather right now! It’s almost hard to sit and write this blog post. But I do want to give you an update and share some information with you.
This May, I will be traveling to New Jersey to teach at the American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry. I always enjoy teaching, but this is special group of people who I can really identify with. For those who don’t know, I started my professional career working as a dental assistant. This was in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Let me tell you, dentistry has come a long way! However, I would never call it a healthy field to work in. For some dentists they have spent years working with replacing amalgam fillings, being exposed to chemicals they use in their field and hearing EVERY day - “Don’t take this personally, but I hate dentists!”
All the participants are learning how to better offer holistic health to their...
This was taken today in my new location, Cornelius, North Carolina. I am no longer working for Marco Pharma as an employee and will be opening a new practice here in North Carolina to offer BioEnergetic Assessments using EAV (Electro-acupuncture according to Voll) and Energy Clearings.
For those who need to update my contact information please to so with the following:
Sandra Stewart
Life-Thyme Solutions, LLC
17111 Kenton Dr. Suite 206B
Cornelius, NC, 28031
What I am watching: Netflix, “Root Cause”
This documentary is one person’s health journey which led him to discover root canal toxicity. He interviews practitioners and professionals from around the world to bring awareness to the fact that only in the field of dentistry is there a procedure to keep dead tissue connected to the body and the toxicity this leads to has been linked to serious health consequences.
If you haven’t seen this...