May is finally here with warmer weather and everything is coming up GREEN! I love this time of year because the song birds are singing and the weather is beautiful. This is a picture of one of my container herb gardens this year. Fresh herbs can be simply grown no matter how much gardening space you have. I love to cook with fresh organic herbs so I hope you are are planting your own to enjoy.
This is also the time to remember to support your local farmers' market and/or sign up for your local CSA. You can go here: CSA DIRECTORY and find out what Community Supported Agriculture (farms) you have around you. If you have a Biodynamic farm around you all the better. These special farms are based on the teaching of Rudolf Steiner and I feel blessed we have this availability in Eugene, Oregon.
Right now, what is in season at the Farmers' Market is everything GREEN. Green onions, green lettuces...