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Sandra's Blog

Happy Thanksgiving

I am so happy to report that I’ve noticed so much more reaching out and connecting this holiday season.  I wanted to add my thanks to all of you.  It is so important to connect, communicate and create at this time.  

However you choose to celebrate this holiday season I wish you happiness, health and a cultivation of what Rudolf Steiner called “holistic thinking”.  Holistic thinking involves asking why and finding the truth out for yourself.  Everyone of you are on the path of holistic health because you asked “Why?”

Why am I having these symptoms?  Why am I unable to feel enough energy to get through the day?  Why am I so stressed?  Why do I have to be taught what is healthy for my body to eat and drink?  Why, why, why?

Keep asking this question as you move through this season.  Keep looking for answers to your health questions.  This is a time of great reflection and imagination.  If social...

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Ah Choo! Sneezes &Sniffles Are Upon Us!


 Season For Sneezing

It is no April Fools joke to wake up with a sore throat, stuffy nose and thick head.  However, this is the season for sneezing.  

Many times clients are surprised to see or hear me with a stuffy head.  Once they get to know me, they understand that I am not one to SUPPRESS symptoms but to EXPRESS them.  That's why I clear them faster.  

Spring allergens/colds/flus should not last more than 7 days.  If so, you may be suppressing or have compromised health.

Many will want to gravitate to antihistamines and anti-inflammatories when suffering.  Instead, I hope you'll try the following tips to get things flowing again:

1) STEAM  - When?  Anytime even in your cubicle at work.  Steam helps to keep the mucus passageways moist.  So steaming as much as possible is great.  After all, we don't want to suppress the mucus we want it to do it's job (have allergens stick to it) and get them out!...

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