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Happy mid-August!  I hope this email finds you healthy and well.  

In today's political hot topic of healthcare, it pays to be informed about current health issues, your own health history and to know how to self-monitor with simple biomarkers.  

I get asked a lot about what products to use when making healthy choices.  While my suggestions always change as I learn and grow, I have put together an Amazon link list on my website where you will find most of the resources I like to use to monitor my own health.  You can find the page here: STORE

Some of you may know this already, but I believe the choices we make towards health should be for our own personal benefit.  This means, for example, if Ketogenic diet works best for me, Paleo or Mediterranean might work best for you.  The key is to find out what works for you.  Have you done that yet?  If not, you may want to start with the Be The Healer Journal where you can begin to keep track and journal about your choices and how they work, (or don't) for you.  

If you have no clue where to start, then I suggest you go step-by-step and join the online BE THE HEALER class.  This is a six weeks program to go-at-your-own-pace and find your healthy choices.  We cover topics from an introduction to making healthy choices including monitoring, mapping, mirroring, assimilation, sleep support, elimination support and how to continue with your healthy choices. 

For those who are interested in hormone and neurotransmitter balancing, I am putting together an online class and hope to have up and running in the next 3 months.  In the meantime, if you have a class or concern you would like to see supported by Life-Thyme Solutions, simply send me an email at: [email protected].

Stay healthy, hydrated and happy as we enjoy the rest of our Summer.  

Your Personal Health Coach,

Sandra Stewart

P.S. Remember that if you are into social media please like, follow, etc in FaceBook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram links can be found on the home page of

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